THIS OUTLINE EXPLAINS HOW TO FIND OR REPLACE A TEXT STRING A. TO FIND A TEXT STRING, choose Find String from the Edit menu or use the Ctrl-F quick key combination. This will bring up an Option Box with three settings: 1. Search For What String - enter any text string in here that you would like to find. Use a "?" (question mark) to act as a wildcard. If you entered "B?D", PC-OUTLINE would find "BAD" or "BED" or "BCD" or "BZD". 2. Force Case To Be The Same - setting this to "Yes" causes 3. Search Scope - Setting this to "Only ON Entries" causes B. Position the cursor here and try to find the text string "Again" by entering the letters in the Search For What String setting. C. Now choose Find Again from the Edit menu and see where the cursor lands. D. TO REPLACE ONE TEXT STRING WITH ANOTHER, 1. Search For What String - Behaves the same as in the Find String function. 2. Replace With What String - Enter a string to replace with. For example, if Search For What String were set to "Sad" and Replace With What String were set to "Happy" then all occurrences of "Sad" would be changed to "Happy". 3. Force Case To Be The Same - Behaves the same as in the Find String function. 4. Search Scope - Behaves the same as in the Find String function. 5. Ask Before Replacing - If this is set to "Yes", PC-OUTLINE will prompt you at each occurrence before replacing. If set to "No", PC-OUTLINE will replace without prompting. 6. All Occurrences - If this is set to "Yes", PC-OUTLINE will find all occurrences. If set to "No", then PC-OUTLINE wil find just the first occurrence. E. Position the cursor here and replace the text string, "PC-OUTLINE", with the string ">> PC-OUTLINE <<". Just enter the text into the Search For What String and Replace With What String, and change the All Occurrences setting to Yes. You'll be prompted with a confirm box before each replacement is made.